417-862-2781 x1735 info@sharifbible.cc
Wisdom and Sensitivity 

Wisdom and Sensitivity 

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024  Many Christians who try to evangelize Muslim friends experience frustration and dead ends. They find the cultural, social and religious mindset of Muslims to be totally different from what they are used to.  At times, some Christian...
The Widow in Zarephath 

The Widow in Zarephath 

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2024  God sent the prophet Elijah to a widow in Zarephath in the country of Sidon. That entire nation worshipped Baal. But a beautiful surprise was awaiting Elijah! When he met the widow, she immediately let him know that she believed in Jehovah, the...
New Church Leaders 

New Church Leaders 

FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2024  There are too few Christian pastors, evangelists, and missionaries from Muslim backgrounds. And from that group, an even smaller number return to work among their own people.  The scant number of Gospel workers probably corresponds to the scant...
Road Signs for Muslims To Follow Christ 

Road Signs for Muslims To Follow Christ 

FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2024  The Lord is calling many Muslims to come out of the dark prison of sin and make their way to freedom, life, and joy in Christ. God asks us, his Church, to be ready for them, to go outside our confines, our boundaries—to prepare the way for many...
People Named “Islam” 

People Named “Islam” 

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024  Just as in Christian societies where many people are named Christian, Christine, Kristin, etc., in Muslim societies some people are named Islam. In fact, I have a friend whose name is Islam. When he was a young man, Jesus put his mighty hand on...