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Friday, July 7, 2023

When one works with Muslims to evangelize them, bring new believers to maturity and strengthen their assemblies—all this amounts to serious attacks against Satan’s territory. The Devil will not stand by quietly and watch his realm decline and erode. He counterattacks with rage; his onslaught is fierce.

One of the tricks he uses is to preoccupy Christian workers with issues that are detrimental to a healthy relationship with Christ. The scenario is all too familiar: a Christian worker gets busy in the ministry and work takes priority over relationship with God. He no longer has the time to sit at Jesus’ feet in quiet solitude and listen to God’s Word. Spiritual emptiness comes unnoticed and with it vulnerability to Satan’s sifting (Luke 22:31-34); dishonest handling of monies or power or an illicit relationship is justified, and whoa! Immorality has lured and sent such a Christian worker tumbling. He commits what he has preached against.

Sin is dangerous. Sin is destructive. Its price is very costly—separation from God, irreversible stigma, damage to family relations, loss of ministry, loss of reputation, a black mark on God’s work, and the list goes on.


Father in heaven, you are the God of holiness and purity. Sin separates people from you.

Protect all those who work for the Lord and thus oppose Satan in the world of Islam. None of us is above sin or falling. Help us to depend on your grace and be alert. Hedge around us all with the protective shield of your Word and your Spirit. Help us to keep ourselves pure in thought, act and word.

And if someone has fallen into immorality and is reading these words now, please help him or her to repent and mend their ways by the power of the blood of the Lamb. Help them to feel broken because of their sin.

Forgive them O God. Help them to forgive themselves and help people around them to forgive them. Restore them. Speak a word of encouragement to them.


Bless me and enlarge my borders. May your hand be with me. Keep me from evil and the misery it brings (1 Chronicles 4:10, SAB).