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FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2024 

Today we remember Jesus’ crucifixion, the only means by which we have eternal life. Islam rejects Jesus’ death on the cross. The Quran states that he was never crucified, that he never died, and that instead, God took him to heaven alive. Muslims reason that God would not let Jesus, the good prophet, die such an ignominious death on a cross for sins that others committed. 

Muslims do not see the seriousness of humans’ sinful nature, so they reject the need for redemption. For them the cross is foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18-25). 


God Almighty, our loving Heavenly Father, we acknowledge you as our eternal Redeemer. We come humbly, awed by your love and Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary. What shame and pain he endured to save us from sin and doom! The Lamb of God died to give us life. Thank you. 

My Muslim friends do not understand that Christ’s death on the cross was your supreme gift to sinful humans. Help them realize that they are sinners who need redemption. Show them the power of the cross that saves us from sin, transforms our lives from darkness to light, and rescues us from the kingdom of Satan to make us part of the Kingdom of God. 

Convict them of their serious sin of rejecting the cross. May they believe your Word and accept the Gospel. I plead for Muslims that they will know that Jesus died to redeem them from their sins and rose to justify them. Remove the veil from their minds; open their eyes. Capture their hearts with your love. 

Help Muslims understand that the day Jesus died on the cross was not a gloomy, depressive day. It is a day of victory over sin, Satan and death. It is a day of celebration and joy. 

All praise and glory to you, crucified and risen Christ, the First and the Last, the Living One who died and who is alive for ever and ever. Amen. 


For the message of the cross is sheer nonsense to those who are lost, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18, SAB).