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Friday, December 15, 2023

He was from the royal family in Judah. When the Babylonian king defeated Jerusalem, Daniel was taken to Babylon as a captive (Daniel 1:1-6)[1]. There, he served in the royal court (2:49). When the Persians took over that kingdom, he was promoted to a very high position, second only to the king (6:3).

Even in his high position, he continued to be faithful to the Lord. His courageous testimony about his God to various kings indicates his commitment and determination. As he studied the Scriptures carefully (9:2), he realized his need to humble himself and seek God’s face in prayer and fasting. He pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his people and country (9:3ff).

This week we pray that the Lord will give his Church in Muslim lands men and women of God like Daniel—courageous, committed to the Lord, and ready to shoulder their responsibility.


Lord of all the universe, Master of history, God of the impossible, we dare to come into your throne room, because Jesus died and opened up the way for us.

O God of measureless grace, grant leaders like Daniel to your Church among Muslims. Teach them knowledge and good judgment as they learn your commands. Guide their steps by your Word. Keep them from being intimidated by the enemy or giving in to evil. Give them discernment and courage to challenge kings and rulers and bring honor to your name.

Fulfill your promise to them. Reveal your gracious plans to them.

Father, I stand in your holy presence and ask by faith, because Jesus my Lord sacrificed his blood for me. Amen.


The Lord… will grant you the desire of your heart and fulfil all your purposes. We will shout, for you are victorious, and in the name of our God, we will raise our banner. God will grant you your every request (Psalm 20:4-5, SAB).


[1] All the references in this section are from the Book of Daniel.