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Praying for Muslims Guide for Effective Intercession Read Today's Prayer Who should use this Prayer Guide? YOU!It will inform you about Muslims and help you to pray for them.  PASTORS – Give this to your congregation as a New Year’s gift.  It will...
Valley of Blessing

Valley of Blessing

Friday, October 27, 2023 At God’s command and without any fighting at all, the king of Israel led his troops to a great victory against their enemies. They carried off plunder of livestock, clothes, equipment and valuable things. Afterwards they gathered in the...
Valley of Dry Bones

Valley of Dry Bones

Friday, October 20, 2023 Under the power of the Spirit of God, the prophet Ezekiel was carried in a vision to a valley full of dead, dry bones (Ezekiel 37). Many of us who work with Muslims see the Muslim world as a valley of dry bones. No life. No breath. No motion....
The Valley of Baca

The Valley of Baca

Friday, October 13, 2023 On their way to Jerusalem, pilgrims passed through the Valley of Baca as they went on to enter the Holy City through the western gate to the Lord’s Temple. Baca was a waterless, dry valley. God promised them to turn it into an oasis covered...
The Valley of Achor

The Valley of Achor

Friday, October 6, 2023 Achan served in Israel’s army during Joshua’s time. After God’s people won a war against their enemies, he stole some of the booty that should have been dedicated to the Lord. His action brought trouble, calamity and destruction upon himself...