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Praying for Muslims

Guide for Effective Intercession
Read Today's Prayer

Who should use this Prayer Guide? YOU!

It will inform you about Muslims and help you to pray for them. 

PASTORS – Give this to your congregation as a New Year’s gift.  It will help them pray for 1.7 billion unreached people.

MISSIONARIES – This is a great gift for your supporters.  It will remind them to pray for you and for Muslims! 

ALL BELIEVERS  It is an informative manual of intercession.

Pray with Us!

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”
(Jeremiah 33:3)




In a typical Muslim society, there are two spaces: the home, and the public arena. The public arena is the place for men; it represents authority and religion. Home is the place for women and children; it is to be under the control and continuous supervision of the men, who are to provide food, protection and direction. Hence, one group has authority, and the other is to submit to that authority. One group issues orders, and the other is to obey those orders. Briefly, there are two worlds: one for males and one for females.1

This sociological dichotomy results mainly from seeing women negatively as a source of temptation, lure and seduction for men. This also helps explain some of the tension that exists in typical Muslim societies regarding women who work outside the home or go out of the home without a male chaperone. Their actions are viewed as an invasion of the male world and an encroachment on it.


Righteous God, you created us all equal. You did not create two classes of humans. Men and women equally express your creative power and your divine genius. You made us all in your own image and meant that we would glorify you.

We acknowledge that all of us are sinners. We all, both men and women, are guilty of breaking your holy commandments. That is why I bring Muslims to your attention today. Have mercy on them. Bring them into the Kingdom of your blessed Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Help Muslim women recognize Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Set them free from the belief that they are a degree lower than men.


The earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD (Isaiah 11:9; see also Habakkuk 2:14).

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