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Praying for Muslims

Guide for Effective Intercession
Read Today's Prayer

Who should use this Prayer Guide? YOU!

It will inform you about Muslims and help you to pray for them. 

PASTORS – Give this to your congregation as a New Year’s gift.  It will help them pray for 1.7 billion unreached people.

MISSIONARIES – This is a great gift for your supporters.  It will remind them to pray for you and for Muslims! 

ALL BELIEVERS  It is an informative manual of intercession.

Pray with Us!

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”
(Jeremiah 33:3)




Nabal, a rich but foolish man, had a wise and deeply spiritual wife named Abigail. When David sent Nabal his greetings and asked for help from him, Nabal insulted David’s messengers and sent them away empty-handed. A servant told Abigail about the unhappy encounter. He knew that David would be furious and advised Abigail to do something to prevent certain disaster. Abigail lost no time. She took generous gifts to David and his men and interceded to stop them from taking vengeance on her husband Nabal and the entire household. Her courageous efforts warded off a calamity. (Read the story in 1 Samuel 25.)

There are many women in Muslim families who have accepted Christ quietly and live courageously for him. Some of them have told their husbands and families about their faith in Christ. We need to pray for them and ask God to multiply and protect such wise women.


Glorious and Almighty God, our Maker and Redeemer, we ask you to raise up thousands of Abigails in the Muslim world. By the power of your Spirit, cause many women to put their faith in Christ the Savior.

Give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know you better. Flood their hearts with the light of Christ, so they may understand the confident hope you give your children. May they realize that they are indeed your precious daughters, your glorious inheritance, and that you take pride in them! Teach them your precepts so they can raise families who fear God and love Christ and live for him. Turn them into mighty intercessors who prevail in prayer on behalf of their husbands, children and families. In the precious name of Christ, our Lord who was raised from the dead, and who is sitting on his throne far above all government and authority, all power and dominion, and any title of sovereignty that commands allegiance, not only in this age but also in the age to come (Ephesians 1:21). Amen.


Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today…. Go home in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request (1 Samuel 25: 32, 35, NIV).



FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2025 Nabal, a rich but foolish man, had a wise and deeply spiritual wife named Abigail. When David sent Nabal his greetings and asked for help from him, Nabal insulted David’s messengers and sent them away empty-handed. A servant told Abigail about...



FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 Islam does not allow its adherents to convert to any other religion. Those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord find it very difficult to worship openly. They gather in small groups behind closed doors or in parks or any other place where they can study...



FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2025 In a typical Muslim society, there are two spaces: the home, and the public arena. The public arena is the place for men; it represents authority and religion. Home is the place for women and children; it is to be under the control and...

Islam Projected to Rise

Muslims make up the second largest religious group, with 1.7 billion people, or 24% of the world’s population, followed by religious “nones” (16%), Hindus (15%) and Buddhists (7%). Adherents of folk religions, Jews and members of other religions make up smaller shares of the world’s people.

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